Student Accommodation in Swansea

Student Accommodation in Swansea

Welcome to the official Swansea University student accommodation search engine. Studentpad lets you search for student houses, student homes, flats and lodgings in Swansea and the UK. Find your perfect student house with Studentpad today!

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Swansea University

Finding the perfect private-sector home

Choosing the perfect accommodation is a big part of your University journey. Choosing your accommodation depends on a number of factors, such as the location you would like to live in, and your preference of living arrangements. There’s a good supply of quality private-sector student houses and flats in Swansea. Studentpad allows you to locate available off-campus housing registered with Swansea University, and takes the effort out of house-hunting.


Our service is free to all Swansea University students, where you can use My Studentpad to build personalised alerts, manage a property hot list, and make online property enquiries directly through Studentpad.


For more information, please visit our website:

Dod o hyd i’r lle perffaith yn y sector preifat

Mae dewis y llety perffaith yn rhan fawr o'ch taith yn y Brifysgol. Mae dewis eich llety yn dibynnu ar nifer o ffactorau, fel y lleoliad yr hoffech fyw ynddo, a'ch dewis o drefniadau byw. Mae nifer da o dai a fflatiau myfyrwyr o safon yn y sector preifat yn Abertawe. Mae Studentpad yn eich galluogi i ddod o hyd i dai oddi ar y campws sydd ar gael sydd wedi'u cofrestru gyda Phrifysgol Abertawe, ac mae’n lleddfu’r straen o chwilio am dŷ.


Mae ein gwasanaeth yn rhad ac am ddim i holl fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Abertawe, lle gallwch ddefnyddio My Studentpad i greu rhybuddion wedi'u personoli, rheoli rhestr o'ch hoff eiddo, a gwneud ymholiadau eiddo ar-lein yn uniongyrchol drwy Studentpad.


Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i'n gwefan:


Swansea University is situated on the edge of the breathtaking Gower Peninsula, overlooking Swansea Bay. Founded in 1920, Swansea University offers students living in Swansea student accommodation the opportunity to enjoy the culture and entertainment on offer throughout Wales’ second largest city. Accommodation for students in Swansea ranges from university halls both on and off campus, through to summer lets and private shared student housing.